Saturday, April 17, 2010

Murphy's Flaw: Anything That Can Go Right Will Go Way Beyond Right! (And then go wrong again.)

Yesterday, I went to the science fair. I was down. I thought, compared to all the other county projects, mine was crap. I really thought I had no chance at anything. But it was fun to be there.

We did many activities, and were interviewed about our projects.

Then came the judging. I didn't think I'd win anything. My division came by. The read the bronze medalists. I said after they didn't call my name, "That's it for me."

Then came silver. My name was there.

I was ecstatic!

But it wasn't over yet.

After they did all the rest (including best in fair), they said the 24/130+ going to state. They said 6 alternatives, and I wasn't one of them

It was all over. Or so I thought.

"...Someone somethingson, Andrew Dutcher, Noah Goodman..."

I am going to State.


I had stomach flu today.

Talk about ruining a good moment.

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